Salih Dilán: The smell of home
As I entered Carpathian basin I felt the smell of my nation
This is the smell what I’ve been waiting for over years
Sweet like acacia honey for human lips
Relaxing like mother’s existence for a baby.
A I relaxing by the roadside the picture of nature revealed to me
Around the temple forests hold their hands together
The streets are loud of wedding’s noise
Young couple are burned by the desire of love.
After I left villages I passed along the road
Thoughts are attacked my mind which I’ll make true
My dreams come true.
Sea of sunflower hanging on next to the road
Which are changed by grain fields
Little lake decorates the owner’s lordships
Mill spins its wheel in skyscene.
Far from landscape I saw my dear village’s door
This is the entrance which my heart wants the most
This happiness is sweet as honey which can beat all the tiredness
Dear Mother I arrived to you!
Salih Dilán
2017. August 19.
Salih Dilán a 2018-as Cédrus-pályázat közlésre kiválasztott szerzője.
Illusztráció: A Hargitán (Tóth Csilla Ilona fényképfelvétele, 2016)